COVID-19 – All That You Need to Know

If there was one collective wish that was granted today, it would be an end of the deadly virus. Several countries in the world are either battling a second or a third wave of the pandemic. Coronavirus or COVID-19, the infectious disease that originated in Wuhan, China in 2019, has claimed millions of lives globally.
India is fighting its 2nd wave of Covid-19 as a strong surge in infections are caused by the several variants of the novel coronavirus. While there is fear and hope floating hand in hand, this article is intended to put things in a perspective and not present a linear theory. Although the country is battling its worst on the ground with shortage of beds, long queues to get tested, higher hospitalizations and lack of oxygen but the death rate is not beyond 1.12%. This means that nearly 99% Covid patients are recovering and surviving the menacing illness. However, as mindful and responsible citizens, we’ve put together a list of things that you must know, about COVID-19 and take necessary precautions to cope with the pandemic.
How to slow the spread of infection?
Maintain a six feet distance from outsiders while physically meeting them
Wear a mask that covers your mouse and nose to help protect yourself and others
Wash your hands or sanitize them as often as you can, especially after touching surfaces and objects
Avoid visiting crowded places and poorly ventilated indoors spaces
Who can get infected?
People any age, even children and healthy young adults can get Covid-19
People with certain medical conditions like high BP, diabetes and compromised immunity are at a high risk of contracting Covid-19
People who are older with severe medical illnesses may also be at a high risk
Know the COVID symptoms
A wide range of symptoms have been reported that range from mild to severe by covid patients. These symptoms usually appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Some of the common symptoms are:
High grade fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit upwards)
Body shivers and chills
Shortness of breath or respiratory distress
Loss of taste and smell
Sore throat
Nausea and vomiting
Muscle or Body Aches
Congestion or runny nose

What to do if you are sick?
If you feel sick or taking care of someone who’s sick, here are couple of things you can do:
Stay at home – Most people record mild symptoms that can be treated at home with proper medical care.
Get tested – Owing to the load on Covid tests, reports take longer than usual to arrive. If you feel the symptoms, get started on your medications immediately.
Eat healthy – Eat nutritious meals that must comprise of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, curd, eggs and milk to boost immunity and energy. Avoid canned juices, sugary or starchy snacks and oily foods.
Follow medical advice – Get rest and drink plenty of fluids. Keep in regular touch with your doctor on video calls and follow medication as prescribed by them.
Avoid meeting family or friends – Practice self-isolation for at least 14-17 days from the day you experience covid symptoms. That will help break the chain of infection
Self-Care – Checking your temperature, oxygen, pulse and steam gargles 4-5 times a day helps to heal fast.
Prone position helps – Senior doctors recommend lying face down in ‘prone’ position to help in improving oxygen levels in the body.
When to seek Emergency Medical Attention
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
Trouble breathing
Inability to wake up or stay awake
Pale, grey or blue coloured skin, lips or nail beds
There could be more symptoms to look for warning emergency signs. Do not panic and get in touch with your medical provider at once.
The Ministry or Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India has published COVID helpline numbers for medical aid.
Helpline Number - +91-11-23978046
Toll Free Number – 1075
Helpline Email Id -
Website -
Manifestations of Post Covid-19 conditions
Known manifestations of post Covid-19 conditions persists months after their initial recovery. Common symptoms include:
Severe fatigue
Increased risk of damage to the heart, lungs and brain
Joint pain
Chest pain
Persistent Fever
Fast or pounding heart beat
The worldwide pandemic has hit more lives than one could ever imagine or prepare for. In the midst of fear and uncertainty, tend to your mental health by managing your anxiety. Here are tips to help you sail through the tough times with grace:
Stay informed but avoid obsessively following news articles, social media forwards, links and media.
Stick to verified sources of information and share further with friends and family that may benefit.
Focus on things you can control like your behaviour, responses, triggers and social responsibility
If you want to help affected families and friends, make a list of things on how you can provide help and ways to do it. That will make you look at the situation more positively.
Breed positive thoughts. Give strength to your loved ones. Do not drop your guard.
Do one thing that makes you happy. Sing, Dance, Cook, Write, Watch films or Paint – Research says that people with hobbies are less likely to suffer from stress and depression.
We must do better. The globe is still under attack but our defences must be raised higher. The country, its people and the medical fraternity have come together with new measures and protocols to fight the deadly virus. Each of us play a part by being mindful, responsible and optimistic at all times.

Courtesy: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India; Mayo Clinic; WHO (World Health Organization); CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention),